Eyelid tightening in Bonn

Medical or aesthetic limitations pertaining to the upper and lower eyelids can be effectively eliminated through blepharoplasty – a surgical procedure for repairing the eyelids.


eyelid tightening in bonn


Our eyes reflect both our mood and our general state of mind. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. As we get older, this area of skin loses its tension and elasticity – faster than any other part of the face. This can lead to excess and sagging areas of skin, as well as excessive fat accumulation, which can press against the eyes. The result is that we look tired and sad, even when we are not.

Drooping eyelids

Drooping eyelids are a common condition. The first adverse changes to our skin on the upper eyelid become visible from the age of 30 and, as these issues advance, they can even start to limit our field of vision in some cases. In addition, by raising the eyebrows to compensate, we tend to increase the formation of wrinkles in the forehead area.

Similar phenomena also occur in the lower lid area. Tear bags are formed due to excess skin and a local accumulation of fatty deposits – they represent unsightly signs of ageing under the eyes, which are of course made worse by smoking, stress and lack of sleep.

Alternatives to eyelid surgery?

In the case of mild complaints, we can use PRP and botox to significantly slow the ageing process around the eyes. Unfortunately we cannot stop it altogether.
Once a certain point is reached, surgical correction is the only effective method to create a fresher and more youthful appearance.
Under local anaesthetic, excess skin and fatty tissue components are removed in a minimally invasive manner as part of a relatively small surgical procedure. The barely visible scars from the operation sit elegantly in the natural folds of the skin, so they cannot be seen.

At a glance


60 minutes


Local anaesthetic


Cooling the treated area




After 2 weeks


After a detailed consultation and a comprehensive examination, we will decide with you which technique is best suited in your specific case.

You must not take any aspirin or other blood-thinning medication 14 days prior to the operation.

During your pre-op consultation, we will tell you exactly which medicines you are allowed to take and which you should stop taking before and on the day of the operation.

The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes and is usually performed under local anaesthetic. It can also be performed under sedation.

Even in the case of localised swelling and smaller haematomas, the results can be seen immediately. The final results will stabilise after approx. 14 days.

You can return to your normal routine after 7 days.  You can also return to work after 7 days.

In addition, you can wear light make-up after 7-10 days.

Every surgical intervention carries risks, and we will discuss and explain these in detail with you before the operation. As cosmetic surgery constitutes what is known as an elective, voluntary intervention, it is even more important that our patients are fully informed and prepared for the operation. For us it is a matter of course that we offer our full support to you before and after the operation and are available 24/7 during this period.

In the case of eyelid tightening or blepharoplasty, different tissue layers must be prepared and restored. Excess skin in the upper or lower eyelid areas can usually be traced back to different factors. It is normally a combination of excess skin, muscle and fat, which must be removed in line with the dimensions of the eye.
The extent and depth of the work depends on the specific case. In most cases, a thin strip of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which presses against the skin like a hammock, is removed in addition to the excess skin. Excess fatty tissue is also removed from the deep layers of skin. This fatty tissue can be responsible for stretching the skin above it. We always only remove as much as is necessary to make the eyes look naturally fresher. We do not want to change them too much, because our eyes play a key role in how we communicate.

The stitches are removed after 7 days during a check-up.
Following the operation, the upper and lower eyelid area must be treated very carefully for approximately 6-8 weeks, as the skin in the treated area is particularly thin and fragile.

No. We prefer natural results and never overtighten as a general rule. Instead, we try to maintain the basic character of your eye region and your natural eye shape. The aim is to freshen up your appearance, not change it.