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Removing Droopy Eyelids in Bonn

Droopy eyelids are common! They can be hereditary or develop as part of the aging process. The upper eyelid may extend into the field of vision, putting pressure on the movable eyelid.

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Droopy Eyelid Surgery with Laser at Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics

We frequently hear from our patients, “I look tired and stressed out to others.” Some also complain about a pressing droopy eyelid that already restricts their vision. If you don’t want to accept this and are hesitant about traditional surgery with a scalpel, you can have your droopy eyelids removed with a laser. Our medical team at Bonn Aesthetics specializes in modern droopy eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) using lasers.

Millimeter-Precise Corrections of Droopy Eyelids

The skin around our eyelids is extremely thin and quickly loses elasticity. Upper eyelids often begin to sag from the age of 30. Corrections of droopy eyelids are now standard treatments in aesthetic medicine – they are popular and have proven effective. The laser allows for very precise corrections down to the millimeter. With fewer side effects and downtime compared to traditional surgery.

Do you want to have your droopy eyelids removed? Visit us for more information at Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics. Schedule your non-binding consultation appointment now.

Why remove droopy eyelids?

Pronounced droopy eyelids can cause eye inflammation or visual impairments. These symptoms are not only annoying but also affect the quality of life of those affected.

In the past, bags under the eyes and droopy eyelids were corrected exclusively with a scalpel. When performed correctly, the results are excellent. The only downside: postoperative swelling and bruising can be quite pronounced in the days and weeks following the procedure.

This is where the laser has advantages. While it is also a surgical procedure, a laser scalpel is used to remove excess skin. The hemostatic effect of the laser allows us to stop bleeding during the procedure immediately. This is a significant advancement and provides the surgeon with a better overview, less bleeding, and an even better result. Postoperative swelling is almost always less, and the healing process is faster. You can resume your daily activities after about a week.

At Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics, we also use the laser for lower eyelid tightening and treatment of bags under the eyes. If desired, this can be done in a single session along with droopy eyelid removal. In all treatments, we emphasize an aesthetic, natural result.

  • Millimeter-precise corrections with laser
  • Long-lasting results (up to 15 years)
  • Immediate skin tightening
  • Outpatient, local procedure
  • Tissue-friendly laser technology
  • Simultaneous treatment of pigment spots possible
  • Simultaneous treatment of wrinkles possible

We treat pigment spots such as age spots and melasmas or wrinkles around the eyes upon request. Thus, we can perform biostimulation of the entire eye area (skin resurfacing) for skin tightening and treatment of fine lines.

More about skin resurfacing

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Droopy Eyelids without Surgery – Is It Possible?

If your droopy eyelids are only mildly pronounced, a laser treatment without incisions may be possible. In so-called skin resurfacing, we use a special laser (fractional laser) that stimulates the skin’s own collagen production through pinpoint stimulation. This tightens the eyelid skin and smooths the top layer of skin. No tissue is removed in this method.

Laser Eyelid Surgery in 5 Steps

  1. We discuss the ideal position of the eyelid crease with you.
  2. The eyelids are numbed locally.
  3. Excess skin is removed with the laser scalpel.
  4. The incision is placed invisibly in the eyelid crease and discreetly sutured.
  5. After about a week, we remove the stitches.

Comprehensive Consultation at Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics

Before any treatment with or without a laser, we conduct a thorough examination and consultation. At Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics, we take your wishes and concerns seriously and discuss all details, as well as the pros and cons of your treatment.

As careful specialists, an aesthetic and at the same time natural result is our priority. We want you to enjoy an open and attractive look without it appearing “tightened” or unnatural. We also inform you about complementary treatments or alternatives to blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) with laser.

At a glance


60 Minutes


Local anaesthetic

Post-op Care

Cooling the treated area

Socially presentable

After 1 week


After 2 weeks


There are different approaches to treating droopy eyelids with a laser. Very mild droopy eyelids can sometimes be tightened without surgery using a fractional laser. This method creates tiny irritations in the subcutaneous fat tissue to smooth the skin and stimulate collagen production (skin resurfacing).

If there is an excess of skin in the eyelid area, which is usually the case with droopy eyelids, laser treatment with a laser scalpel is considered. This local procedure is an effective and relatively low-risk alternative to conventional surgery. Scarring is virtually invisible as it is discreetly placed in the eyelid crease. Laser droopy eyelid removal is one of the most innovative and skin-friendly methods in this field.

Before any upper eyelid tightening, we conduct a thorough examination. Here, we discuss which methods are suitable and what results you can expect. During the preliminary examination, you have ample time for all your questions.

If medically advisable, certain medications such as blood thinners, specific vitamins, or rheumatism medications can be temporarily discontinued. However, always after consultation with your treating physician or with us!

The treatment costs always depend on the individual case and the specific conditions. These determine the type and extent of the procedure. Before any treatment, we provide a transparent cost overview based on a thorough examination and your expectations.

Since the hanging and excess skin is completely removed during laser eyelid correction, the result is long-lasting – up to 10 or 15 years. If skin elasticity decreases again as part of the natural aging process, another laser treatment may be possible.

Any surgery, including laser surgery, carries certain risks, especially in the eye area where precision is crucial for a good outcome. For such procedures, you should definitely consult a reputable practice with experienced doctors like Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics. Professional execution minimizes risk and achieves a beautiful result.

After the procedure, side effects can occur depending on how your body reacts, such as:

  • Bruises and swelling
  • Tightness of the skin
  • Dryness or tearing of the eyes
  • Skin redness
  • In rare cases, wound infections and more pronounced scarring.

If you notice unusual symptoms like pain after your treatment, you can contact our practice and your treating doctor at any time.