Upper Eyelid Tightening (Eyelid Lift with Laser) in Bonn – OPEN EYE TIGHT

The eyes are the center of our face. They convey emotions and influence how others perceive us. Sometimes, this perception doesn’t reflect reality, as drooping eyelids and sagging eyelids can make us appear unjustly tired, sad, or grumpy.

Eyelid Correction without General Anesthesia – for a Striking Look

If you suffer from these issues, eyelid correction with modern laser technology can be the solution. The Eyelid Lift with Laser is a local procedure, characterized by minimal downtime and no visible scars, unlike traditional surgery.

For more information on laser-assisted upper eyelid tightening, visit us at Laserzentrum Bonn Aesthetics – the treatment is outpatient – virtually a “Lid Lift to go.” Feel free to schedule a non-binding consultation appointment.

The Eyelid Lift with Laser represents state-of-the-art aesthetic medicine: For rejuvenated eyes with an open, positive expression. The laser treatment enhances the skin’s collagen and elastin fiber structure. The skin becomes generally tighter and the surface smoother.

With improved wound healing, you can quickly return to social activities. Additionally, we can treat annoying age spots, fine lines, or skin changes upon request.

  • Precise incision with laser
  • Hemostasis during the procedure
  • Gentle treatment
  • Immediate skin tightening
  • Simultaneous wrinkle treatment possible (Skin Resurfacing)

When is an eyelid lift useful?

Eye wrinkles, drooping eyelids and sagging lids occur when the skin’s elasticity and collagen production decrease. This generally starts in the mid-thirties, though it can occur earlier depending on individual predisposition.

Drooping eyelids can sometimes extend into the field of vision, limiting upward and sideways views. Another problem: They press on the movable lid and lashes. Many of our patients feel tired and exhausted due to “heavy upper eyelids.” With the Eyelid Lift with Laser, we activate the construction of a stable collagen framework in the skin – resulting in a gentle, skin-friendly, and intensive tightening.

Upper Eyelid Tightening with High-Power Laser in Bonn

Do you desire tighter eyelids, fewer wrinkles, and a fresh and open expression? As your experts for eyelid corrections in Bonn, we answer your questions about laser-assisted upper eyelid tightening. Book your personal consultation here.

How Does the Upper Eyelid Tightening (Eyelid Lift) with Laser Work?

The eyelid correction is performed under local anesthesia or twilight sleep. For you, this means relaxation, as you “sleep through” the actual procedure. And you’ll see, it feels like it’s done in just a few minutes.

Precision and experience are crucial for corrections of the delicate eyelid skin. Our medical team at Bonn Aesthetics specializes in this – you are in good hands. With the light scalpel, we can safely remove excess skin and bothersome fat deposits. Wounds are cauterized directly during treatment. The nearly invisible scar, after a short time, is placed directly in the eyelid crease. As the laser simultaneously stimulates skin construction, the muscle tissue around the eyes tightens. We remove the stitches after about five to seven days at our practice in Bonn. By then, swelling and redness have largely subsided.

In our Bonn practice, we also use the laser for skin resurfacing for wrinkles and age spots, and for extensive beauty treatments like skin rejuvenation. For skin rejuvenation, we reach the relevant skin layers through tiny points, less than a millimeter in size (submillimeter range). That’s where collagen production takes place. The rest of the skin remains intact.

Treatment in 5 Steps: Upper Eyelid Tightening with Laser

  1. We discuss with you the ideal course of the eyelid crease.
  2. The skin area to be treated is locally anesthetized.
  3. Excess tissue is removed with laser light.
  4. The suture is placed and stitched in the eyelid crease.
  5. After about 5-7 days, we remove the stitches.

Eyelid Lift with Laser vs. Surgery and Other Procedures

With upper eyelid tightening using laser, corrections within a range of less than one millimeter are possible, and with great precision. Unlike the incision with a scalpel, the laser stops bleeding immediately. Thus, side effects like swelling and larger bruises are significantly reduced. This is also advantageous for the treating doctor, as the view of the eyelid remains clean and unobstructed. While an electric needle can also stop bleeding spots immediately, laser technology is even more precise and tissue-friendly.

At a glance


60 Minutes


Local anaesthetic

Post-op care

Cooling the treated area


After 1 week


After 2 weeks


Mild drooping eyelids can sometimes be tightened without surgery using a fractional laser. However, if the sagging skin already affects the field of vision, only surgery or laser treatment with a laser scalpel can help. This method is considered particularly skin-friendly. Unlike conventional surgeries, the scar is practically invisible as it is discreetly placed in the eyelid crease.

Before any upper eyelid tightening, we conduct a thorough medical history. We discuss which methods are suitable and what results are realistic. We also inform you about possible side effects, risks, and the procedure of the laser treatment. You have plenty of time to ask all your questions.

If acceptable, certain medications such as aspirin, high-dose vitamin E, various rheumatics, or other blood thinners can be temporarily discontinued. This should only be done after consultation with your treating doctors or with us!

Side effects occur with all medical and aesthetic procedures – including upper eyelid tightening with laser. Generally, these are temporary and subside within one to two weeks. Typical side effects of eyelid tightening include skin tension, swelling, and a warm feeling in the treated area. Mild bruising from the laser treatment and around the suture area is also normal.

Even with skin resurfacing, these side effects are manageable, as the fractional laser treatment is very skin-friendly when applied correctly.

Plan some downtime for your recovery in the days following your treatment. This allows bruises and swelling to subside. If necessary, and after consulting with us, you can lightly cool the upper eyelids.

With the laser, we also perform extensive treatments of the skin and fine connective tissue. For example, as a wrinkle treatment or to remove pigmentation spots like age spots, melasma, or dilated veins. In combination with the Eyelid Lift, the skin structure around the eyes can also be improved and tightened.

The consultation, examination, and actual treatment are private services and are billed according to an individual quote. The exact costs depend on the treatment area, the duration of the procedure, and the desired outcome. Talk to us, and we will create a reliable cost plan for you.

Even if you often read such tips on the internet: Please do not take painkillers before the procedure! Especially not aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), as this substance has a strong blood-thinning effect and can promote post-operative bleeding.

In addition to upper eyelid tightening, we can also treat eye bags in the lower eyelid in one session. The laser energy causes excess skin and fat deposits to “shrink” – the skin around the eyes looks significantly younger after the treatment and healing phase.

The Eyelid Lift with Laser is a very gentle method with a relatively short recovery time. The skin heals visibly from day to day, and the swelling subsides. Overall, you should plan for one to two weeks, after which you are usually socially acceptable again. Red spots and bruises can then be covered with makeup if necessary and are hardly noticeable.